Melon Farmers Original Version

Drinking Restrictions

Drinking becomes the target of killjoy politicians


Public health's Pravda...

The mainstream media are spreading nanny-state fake news about alcohol and minimum pricing. By Christopher Snowdon

Link Here7th December 2019
Full story: Drinking Restrictions...Drinking becomes the target of killjoy politicians




More miserable than the EastEnders...

Anti-alcohol campaigners call for TV soaps to be broadcast after the watershed

Link Here 27th October 2018
Full story: Drinking Restrictions...Drinking becomes the target of killjoy politicians
Anti-alcohol campaigners from the Centre for Alcohol and Tobacco Studies has urged the Advertising Standards Agency and Ofcom to ban all alcohol imagery before the 9pm time slot, claiming it has harmful effects on young people. The campaigners also complain about breaks in Coronation Street, which sometimes feature alcoholic drinks.

The group claims that alcoholic imagery on the TV shows and advertisements correlates directly with the number of viewers over 15 years old who drink alcohol. According to Alexander Barker: '

There is strong evidence that viewing alcohol advertising or imagery has an uptake on subsequent alcohol use in young people.

The Nottingham University-based group analyzed 611 shows and 1,140 advertisement breaks between 6pm and 10pm and say that approximately half of the content broadcast featured alcoholic imagery.



Offsite Article: Have a drink -- it won't kill you...

Link Here 20th January 2018
Full story: Drinking Restrictions...Drinking becomes the target of killjoy politicians
Researchers want the alcohol guidelines lowered. Ignore them. By Rob Lyons

See article from



Offsite Article: Robbing the poor to give to the elite...

Link Here 18th November 2017
Full story: Drinking Restrictions...Drinking becomes the target of killjoy politicians
The petty prohibitionism of minimum alcohol pricing in Scotland. By Rob Lyons

See article from



Why has Britain's top cop declared war on pubs?...

I have a real problem with our country's leadership, precisely because of this sort of nitwittery. I shake my head and wonder how someone who spouts this kind of evidence-free claptrap gets to that level.

Link Here 16th March 2015
Full story: Drinking Restrictions...Drinking becomes the target of killjoy politicians

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